Sunday, August 24, 2008

What, Me Worry?

New York Gift Show and back. Piece of cake. I was deliriously happy weaving through the aisles, oohing and aahing. I found enough goodies to totally transform Out of Hand over the next two months.

What stood out to me are the “uplifting” imprints on anything that can be imprinted-especially jewelry. I avoided silver; the price increase was a shock I couldn’t adjust to. But I adored the leather bracelets that appealed to my “old hippie” nature. I chose wall plaques, eye glass cases, photo albums, etc. etc…

I was very cautious what works of wisdom I selected. There was one vendor who couldn’t accept that I didn’t want Grandma….. on anything. I’ll bet it shows up in the shipment anyway. My criterion was “I had to believe it to conceive it”. Things like “What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” are not on my inspirational radar.

I have definitely converted to a NYIGS patron and can’t wait until the end of January to return. It was the most fun I can remember. Maybe I’ll imprint that on something.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two For The Show

I was shopping at the LA Gift Show two weeks ago and found some wonderful bags made from recycled materials. I enjoyed them so much I had trouble choosing what to buy for “Out of Hand”. The artist pointed out one in particular and said it was her best seller because it was “Ugly Betty’s” purse. Unsure of who was ugly, Betty or the purse.

I thought I’d try a few. They sold immediately and I heard over and over again- That’s Ugly Betty’s purse.

My son visited last week and since he works in the entertainment industry, he brought an entertainment magazine and on page 6 there it was-Betty and the purse. Unbelievable!

But not to be overlooked are the one of a kind bags made from rice sacks. Designer Rebecca Moling has her bags made by a women’s co-op in the Philippines , giving them the opportunity to develop business skills and have a sustainable income.

Rebecca calls her bags environmentally stylish and I have to agree. They’re colorful and beautifully designed. As to “Ugly Betty”,Thanks for the education.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

First blog ever!

Last week I wasn’t sure if you “are” a blog or you “have” a blog. I actually answered that question- but have a lot to learn. My intention is to write each week about something I find interesting in my “Out of Hand” life.

Grabbing most of my attention is my first trip to the New York Gift Show. I’ve been in Vail during an avalanche, Guadalupe during a terrorist attack and Los Angeles during a major earthquake, but I’m intimidated by going to New York alone to shop.

I’ve tried to find top notch, affordable, handmade, fair trade, recycled treasures in many different ways. I consider my efforts warm-ups for the big event.

I want to look for candlesticks, baby gifts, pet toys and anything else that captures my fancy. Absolutely no jewelry or clothing accessories. I already have quite an array of goodies that fit my criterion. I hear they have a section “Handmade” in the USA. I’m especially looking forward to that.

People visiting the store often ask if all the artists are local. Even though the Bay Area is vibrant with creative people, wholesale crafts are not their main interest. I’m always open to finding more but it is a special breed and unfortunately rarer than one might imagine. So I’ve chosen a second focus. I love artists who have formed woman’s co ops around the world to produce their products,

Wholesale crafts require quite a different artistic mentality. I’ve represented a number of artists who filled one order then decided quantities were not for them. I mourn the loss of the ones whose work sold quickly.

The most inspiring show is in Philadelphia. I went in February and met the champs who produce Wholesale American Crafts. I stayed in a small boutique hotel surrounded by stellar cafĂ©’s and ice cream shops. It totally changed my “not so positive” feeling of Philly. It was delightful.

So off I go- looking for the best NYIGS has to offer.
Until next week,
Chris Butler
Out of Hand, Proprietor