Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Out with the Old, Part 2

Something else I’ve learned:
There are a million ways to look at the Golden Gate Bridge. Although I see it almost daily it still takes my breath away. Each time I drive over it, I’m as excited as the first. So when it came time to choose work for my “gallery wall” I didn’t realize other people felt the same way. I found beautiful work at reasonable prices, but returned it unsold to one artist after another. Then I found a painter who asked me what I thought about subject matter. Without conviction I said: small. “unframed, affordable pictures of the bridge”. Since then the demand has exceeded the supply. Who knew!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Out with the old...In with the new

It’s hard to believe it, but I opened “out of Hand” three years ago. It’s amazing how little I knew. I still can’t say “I get it”, but I’ve learned a few things.

Number One:
No matter how popular something is, it doesn’t stay that way.

Like the recycled boat wood picture frames. They were copied and displayed at gift shows, but didn’t sell until T>J>Maxx bought the whole lot. Thus a $100 item became readily available for $20.

Then there was the Tea Forte. It flew out the door until you could find it anywhere. Seeing it at Bloomingdale’s was the final straw. So I decided to try the new kid on the block…TeaPosey. It shows no promise as yet.

Also my line of recycled silverware jewelry showed up in a whole page ad in a popular magazine. Luckily there are many exceptional jewelry lines to take it’s place.

I’m always happy to see my “up-starts” take off…but it’s also sad to see them go.