Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Out with the Old, Part 2

Something else I’ve learned:
There are a million ways to look at the Golden Gate Bridge. Although I see it almost daily it still takes my breath away. Each time I drive over it, I’m as excited as the first. So when it came time to choose work for my “gallery wall” I didn’t realize other people felt the same way. I found beautiful work at reasonable prices, but returned it unsold to one artist after another. Then I found a painter who asked me what I thought about subject matter. Without conviction I said: small. “unframed, affordable pictures of the bridge”. Since then the demand has exceeded the supply. Who knew!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Out with the old...In with the new

It’s hard to believe it, but I opened “out of Hand” three years ago. It’s amazing how little I knew. I still can’t say “I get it”, but I’ve learned a few things.

Number One:
No matter how popular something is, it doesn’t stay that way.

Like the recycled boat wood picture frames. They were copied and displayed at gift shows, but didn’t sell until T>J>Maxx bought the whole lot. Thus a $100 item became readily available for $20.

Then there was the Tea Forte. It flew out the door until you could find it anywhere. Seeing it at Bloomingdale’s was the final straw. So I decided to try the new kid on the block…TeaPosey. It shows no promise as yet.

Also my line of recycled silverware jewelry showed up in a whole page ad in a popular magazine. Luckily there are many exceptional jewelry lines to take it’s place.

I’m always happy to see my “up-starts” take off…but it’s also sad to see them go.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


The day after Thanksgiving is the third anniversary of “Out Of Hand” in its present form. Time flies when you’re having fun. Last week I was confused by donations, but this week- I don’t how to celebrate- at this late date. I once bought a book called “How to Run a Sale ” . The ideas were far too ambitious for me. Let’s see- what are my options?

Give discounts on select pieces.
Hurry up and send out a coupon to locals.
Discount every thing in the store.
Serve cookies (I’m sure champagne would be illegal).
Donate 3% of the day’s profits to charity.
Buy 2 get one free or any such combo.

This has been helpful. I think I’ll opt for cookies and donations.

I guess I’ll need a sign.

Till a later date……..

Friday, November 14, 2008


Along with selling retail comes many opportunities to make donations. I’m happy to comply with this tradition but I’m always confused as to what to give. According to what I’ve read, one should have an agenda behind the gift. Some say it should be a gift certificate to draw the recipient into the store. Interestingly enough, only one third of the gift certificates I’ve issued have been redeemed.

Some say you should give the most popular thing in the store. Only what would make a good impression on everyone that sees it? But I have no idea what that would be. One person’s treasure is another person’s…..

Then there’s the faction that says “dump what hasn’t sold” and probably never will. Reluctantly I admit I am somewhat in this category. When I have only one left of a popular piece and I can’t get anymore, people tend to ignore it. If I donate it, I’m passing on something that was desirable to others besides me (who ordered it in the first place) and I can make room for a new display. I guess I’m comfortable with that. Till next week or so….

Monday, October 27, 2008

Season’s End

The Sausalito Tourist Season is winding down for this year. It was nothing if not a curious one. It was like a roller coaster saleswise. From the highest one day to the lowest the next. In the end, averaging out to be the same as last year.

This morning I was reminded of how fortunate I am to have located in Sausalito. When I was selecting a site, I had my heart set on a charming space in San Anselmo. I had signed a lease and paid a deposit. Four days later, when I called the agent he said they decided to lease to someone else. I was outraged but it turned out definitely in my best interest. After two floods and a depressed economy, my uninformed decision to try Sausalito turned out to be brilliant. I love it here, both as a place to live and a place to

work. Although we’ve been affected by the current economic climate it hasn’t been nearly to the degree of our neighbors. It will definitely be interesting to see where we go from here. In the meantime I’m going to spend the winter organizing my new storage space and planning for next year.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I often find myself pondering how to politely ask people to take care when handling merchandise. I have some porcupine quill pens (no porcupines were harmed in their creation) and I found them in the pockets of some hand knitted sweaters. Interesting!
I have music boxes with a sign in front that says “Please ask for assistance” and
frequently I hear a lullaby chiming in the background while someone examines
the pictures on the sides. I have the same signs on jewelry displayed around the store and I’ve watched as a woman pulled a necklace apart trying to get it off a mannequin.

Then there is my “Please enjoy food outside” sign on the entry door. I thought a sign wouldn’t be necessary because it’s only common sense that dripping ice cream around
silk scarves is not a good idea. Not the case. We have a candy store nearby and I find wrappers tucked away in the most creative places.

I have become much more aware of these phenomenons and when I shop, I take notice of what goes on in other stores and consider myself quite lucky. Thank goodness I didn’t feel a calling to own a toy store. A Ross or Target. Not that the money wouldn’t be nice, but I’m susceptible to ulcers and I’m sure they would be severe.

If you have a clue for my cluelessness, please advise.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Back On Board

Most of my purchases from the NYIGS have arrived to my delight-mostly. There are always those few items that fall into the category- “What was I thinking?” For instance: Copper table accessories:
1. Wine bottle holders with 3 legs that tip when approached.
2. Salt and pepper shakers so small you have to refill them after every meal.
3. Wine stoppers whose tops are so large they don’t fit in a bottle.

Apparently I was blinded by the fact that they were made by one of my favorite not-for-profit organizations. I’m thinking I better be a little more discriminating about my choices so I don’t become a not-for-profit organization.

Then came the piles of stones that represent a cat, dog, frog, etc. Down on the waterfront on weekends there is a man that stacks stones- big ones. It’s actually quite fascinating as confirmed by the throngs of people that gather around him. I thought these related to those. Not so much.

Last but not least are the music boxes. Nostalgia was the key to that purchase. One plays "How much is That Doggie in the Window” which was a favorite on my sister’s when she was young. She was the cutest little person I’ve ever seen and I was insanely jealous. But apparently I left room in my heart for the happy memory of her loving that song. I’m going to give it to her for Christmas. Buyers don’t seem to find it so inspiring.

Otherwise, I did well and I’m thoroughly enjoying my new surroundings.